Welcome to my blog!
My experiences with keeping fancy rats, and up-to-date news of my current ratty girls; Nova and Freya..

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Rat training, Freyas disgust, and tail linking..

Ahh life is busy, but there's always time for free-ranging, and training. ;)

We've had some really cool break throughs just recently, with the training.
Nova - as I'm sure I've mentioned before, is ruled by her stomach, or more accurately FOOD.
If she's not eating it, then she's stashing it, fighting over it, or looking for it.
I knew training her would be a doddle.
Freya on the other hand, picks at her food, and any treats I give her are surveyed suspiciously, and only taken when she's satisfied it's not poison, or a bomb..
I knew training Freya with food was completely useless, I had to find something else she was interested in.
Luckily for me, she's a magpie. Anything remotely shiny or glittery and she'll grab it, and wrestle it away into a corner somewhere. So we now have a selection of rat friendly shiny balls, and rattles, and other exciting things to reward her with whenever she decides to cooperate.
Nova will do tricks for half a shreddie. lol.

As of this month the girls can:
Recognise and respond to her own name.
Come instantly when called.
Climb my arm and sit on my shoulder when given a specific command.
Spin around on command (almost every time, she's a bit dense though, so we forgive her)
Stand up on command.

Recognise her own name, responds if she feels like it, but if she's in a bad mood or can't be bothered, turns her back on me coldly.
When called, she will saunter over casually, stopping just before she reaches me, then proceed to groom herself while I say her name over and over again like a mental case.
Climb up on command, although not usually my arm, preferring more sensitive uncovered routes, so as to inflict as many claw gouges as possible on the way up. 
Flatly refuses to spin around. Gives me, and Nova withering glares of contempt, then turns her back on us.
Will stand up, on occasion, if she feels like it, and the wind is blowing in the right direction. Sometimes.

Nova and Freya are still very much enjoying water play time too. Although I suspect they enjoy being wrapped up in a towel with a lukewarm hairdryer aimed at them, while being cuddled, coddled, and stroked much more!

Last time I managed to get a photo of something they've been doing quite a lot recently.
(I think it's a comfort thing) I took it as proof that it really does happen.
I wonder if anyone elses rats do it?

 Sisterly love <3

Anyway, more updates soon. TTFN x