The Bad Rat Pledge
- There is no need to steal treats from others when I am given one of equal size of my own.
- There is no nutritional value in tissue.
- Bath time means a bath, not a chance to jump out and knock everything over.
- When dinner is being served, I will control myself and share with my cagemate in a sensible fashion.
- I will go about my night-time business in respectful silence.
- I am not qualified to give my human a manicure, pedicure, ear cleaning, nose cleaning, or dental exam.
- My human lovingly handcrafted this cozy hammock for me.. so I must not pee in it, or chew six holes in it.
- Band-Aids/plasters are there for a purpose and are not to be removed without permission.
- I will not bite my human's earrings, especially when she is wearing them.
- Begging for another treat after stashing the first one does not fool my human.
- I will try to remember to groom my tail... at least once a year.
- It's rarely ever wise to chew a hammock hook while lazing in it.
- I will strike perfect statuesque poses every time the camera lens points in my direction.
- I will not cling to that spot between my human's shoulder blades where I cannot be removed without assistance.
- I must remember that human skin simply does not have the traction required for vertical climbs.
- Walking down one level of my cage to use the litter tray is not inconvenient.
- Water bowls are not provided for tail washing, or as a repository for unwanted food.
- Peeing all over myself and my cagemates does not make us smell irresistible.
- I will not stare forlornly at my human, nose pressed through the bars of the cage, when she is having dinner and make her feel guilty so we get most of what she was eating..
Credit goes to: Dapper Rat