I was going to be really strict and keep them apart for longer, but she has done so well, and they both looked so sad, I decided enough was enough.
Time to get back to normality (or what passes for normal around these parts!)
Obviously I will keep a close eye on the wound, and a close eye on Novas grooming habits... ;)
They now have soft cosy fleece flooring, and a litter tray in one corner. ^_^
I fully expect the fleece to be shredded by morning, but hopefully not soaked through with rat pee....
It seems all the quiet whispers, and head scritches have paid off...
Yesterday she came out of the small cage, onto my hand, and straight up to my shoulder, without me having to pick her up!
This morning just to make sure reuniting them in the main cage would go well, I took them both upstairs for some free range time on my bed. I laid down and and put my head on my arms, and let them go about the important ratty business of checking whether my pillow case was edible, and fighting with a stuffed toy rabbit..
Then after around 20 minutes of frenzied exploring, Freya snuggled up next to my face, and started grooming one eyebrow.. and Nova, not wanting to miss anything, started grooming the other.
Within ten minutes we were all asleep.
It was only a cat nap, and I was rudely awoken by both girls trying to remove my fingernails... but it was bliss.
It's been a few days of ups and downs... but everything has settled down nicely..
Reunited at last... ^_^