I'm currently sat at the PC, with an unusually relaxed Freya.
I say relaxed, she's still scrabbling around trying to get down to the computer keys, where, if she's anything like Nova, she'll have a jolly old time trying to remove the letter 's'... but she's not quite as manic as usual..
I wanted to spend some time with her specifically, on her own, because this is a big week for her; On Thursday she goes in to the vets to be spayed..
I've always had every intention of getting both my girls spayed, but with the slight age gap, I couldn't do them both at the same time, so this one has been looming on the horizon.
Novas spay went so well, no hiccups whatsoever, so I have an amazing experience to draw from.
Aside from being a bit drowsy, and then getting mightily cheesed off about the ''no-climbing'' rule for a few days, Nova came through it as though nothing had happened.
Being a 'glass half empty' kind of person, I'm acutely aware of the rule that ''things never usually go as well a second time round'' - but I know Freya is in the best possible hands, and I am confident that with an amazing surgeon and my panicky post-op round-the-clock care, she should be fine..
It's going to be a hairy week.. but, while I'm looking forward to it all being over and done with, I'm happy with my decision to go through with it.
Will it stop them fromgetting the dreaded tumours and dying early?
I don't know.. Nobody does.
Was it worth it in my opinion?
Would I do it again?
Yes. Thursday in fact..
*Nervous smile* xx